Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hello Friends.  I need your experience and expertise.  I'd like to be able to get around town on the bike with Cam this summer.  (Sadly, Chris has recently become a working stiff, and takes the car.)  I am poor, but don't want Camden to die because I bought a cheap bike seat.  The seats with the child in front seem like it would be hard to ride, and I've heard the stroller ones aren't very comfy for the kids.  I don't know.  If you have ANY knowledge or opinion on this please, leave me some words.  Thanks!

Here are some that come up on

WeeRide LTD Kangaroo Child Bike Seat $60.00

iBert Safe T-Front Mounted Child Bicycle Seat $75.00

Bell Classic Bicycle Child Carrier $30.00

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Are you sick of hearing about this yet?  Camden loving dogs?  Because he does.  Another case in point occured on Monday.  Erica, the amazing Auntie, was walking her fam-in-law's dog Mandy.  She (Erica, not Mandy) brought her (Mandy not Erica) over and Camden was in H.E.A.V.E.N.  I think you can see the energy in these first few pics.  They played outside for forever, then Camden wanted to help walk Mandy. So, Erica, the amazing Auntie, walked Camden and the dog for awhile.  This boy loves dogs.

Licking, not biting.

Camden had REFUSED to put on a diaper all day, but when Erica told him he needed some clothes on to walk the dog he RAN into the house, layed down for his diap, ran to get his clothes, AND shoes and socks to boot!  That was one excited child.

Starting on their journey.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cut It Out

 Camden had his first warranted official haircut on Saturday!  I knew the stakes were high and his previous scissors-to-hair experience was more than a disaster, but Cookie Cutters in Btfl got the job done!  The first few pics are to give you an idea of the . . . mullet-ish look Cam has had lately.

I love when Cam sits cross-legged like this.

Playing on the slide, before the cut.

I had no holds barred for this experience.  I was going to give Cam whatever the heck he wanted if it meant he would get his haircut, I mean, I drove all the way to Bountiful for this.  So, he wanted candy, he got Mike 'n Ikes.  They helped a bit along the way.  He didn't want to sit in the airplane seat, the fire truck seat, or the car seat.  He reluctantly sat in the airplane seat.  We had picked out the movie Jungle Book, one of Cam's favs, but when I clipped him in ("Safety First" says the clipper lady) he started freaking.  When she put the drape on him, he freaked more, when she sprayed his hair down and combed it back he freaked more.  My main goal was to keep him in focused on Jungle Book.  "CAMDEN!  WATCH!  LOOK!  IT'S MOWGLI! CAMDEN!  IT'S  THE WOLVES!  LOOK!  BAGHEERA! WHERE IS HE TAKING MOWGLI? OH MY GOSH!  IT'S MOWGLI!  CAMDEN!"  He was still intermittently freaking out so the magically hair cutter lady pulled out some bubbles.  So Camden would eat a Mike 'n Ike, cry, blow some bubbles, cry, watch Mowgli for a second, and start all over again.  However, it all ended on the up and up because he got a BALLOON after!  The lady was SO cute and good with him, and FAST!  His haircut is not perfect, and I did pay $16.00, but I left that place happier than Camden and he had a green balloon and a sucker.

Look at his face in the reflection.  So concentrated on unlocking the car.

Then just a few hours later I decided to give my mane the chop, so I can grow it out again.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We love our Easter Bunny Mom, who never forgets us Easter Sunday.  I randomly noticed this surprise while cleaning up after church out on the deck. 

We love you Easter Bunny Mom, and are so thankful for our knowledge of the resurrection so we know we can be immortal with you in the eternities. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mohawk Man

Chris is a free spirit, just remember that.  Ain't nobody gonna tell him what to do with his hair.  One random morning he shaved his head, except for this little diddy.  He kept it for one day, then shaved it before sacrament the next day.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Camden was sitting on the recliner watching Robin Hood.  Naked.  (I am sure you assumed he was naked, but just to clarify.)

He said, "pee."

I said, "You need to go pee?"

He ran into the bathroom, sat on his Baby Bjorn toilet and peed!

Then he immediately lifted off the little white part, dumped the pee in the toilet, and flushed the toilet. 

I was laughing my head off and was so full of joy, it was wonderful.

I realize this will not be a consistent occurrence, but still.  I love it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


First, we went and visited our canine friends, while getting eggs from a friend in West Kaysville.  These dogs are adorable and HUGE!  Camden loves them.  They lick his face, he gives them a kiss, back and forth, back and forth.  I love it.  Chris and I just watch and smile and laugh our heads off.

Then, The Kennedy's came and visited us!  Camden was psyched to hold Jet-man.  How cute is this child?  He tolerated it for awhile, and again Camden was loving it. (Note the green dry-erase marker on Camden's face.)

And Janey wanted to get in on the fun!

Thanks for coming over guys.  It made for a great fun day.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Last night we went to a Powwow at the University of Utah.  The Union was FULL of Native Americans, many in their beautiful and amazing regalia.

To see more beautiful pics, click here.

Towards the end of the night, Chris saw a little boy sitting on the stairs by himself that looked distressed, so he asked him if he was lost.  At first the boy was scared by Chris, but when he realized he was trying to help, the boy wanted to talk to him.  Chris asked the boy where he last saw his parents.  He said, "They have brown eyes and brown hair."

Realize we were in an area with easily 200 Native Americans, ALL with brown eyes and brown hair.  :)

Chris took the boy up to the main announcer and they found his mom.  I got warm fuzzies seeing his moms look of worry gone from her face as she hugged her son.  Good job Chris.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's What's For Dinner

BEEF!  Ever heard of it?

(Click on the picture for a larger view.)

This is our freezer, friends.  Stock full of 287lbs of beef (1/2 a cow). 
Chris couldn't be happier.