1. BabyCenter.com
I "kept it a secret" for a pretty dang long time I thought. Much longer then with Cam. At least I thought I did. When I was almost 12 weeks, the sibs went to dinner at The Olive Garden in SLC, which is where I told Gug when I was expecting Cam. We figured we'd do the same thing again. We told her! She didn't act that surprised. Then with a very guilty expression she explained that soon after Christmas, she had gotten on BabyCenter.com on HER computer and it pulled up MY account and MY new due date. Outed.
2. Fertility Charting
Later that night we met up with my parents at their hotel room and told them. AGAIN, my mom said she had looked in some folder in my master bathroom. She didn't know what it all meant, but she thought that I was probably prego. SERIOUSLY? My mother, in my master bathroom, looking through things? Fertility charts? Positive pregnancy tests? Wow. Outed.
3. Kelsey
Chris and I had told Kelsey while it was just us 3 at my parents house a few weeks before my 12 week surprise (but not really) announcement. But I hadn't told any extended family. The Monday before my cousins left for the MTC we had an Adams' family party. Everyone was sitting in a circle, eating cake and ice cream when Kelsey said, "Mar, have you told everyone about . . . . " No I hadn't yet. Thank you for bringing it up. Outed.
4. Georgie
I told my friend Joni at her house one day, but failed to mention that it was not yet public knowledge. Apparently, "we haven't really told anyone" doesn't mean don't tell anyone. Anyway, she told her famberly and her Dad came in to the dental office in the next week or so. The dental office peeps didn't know yet, but George mentioned it and then they knew! Outed.
5. My Belly
For the past 3 or 4 weeks I have been outed by my growing belly. The warmer weather, tighter clothes and the growing uterus combined made for a pretty obvious POP. I started getting the double takes and squinty eyed looks at church and in class a few weeks ago. So if you've seen me, you know. Anyway, at this point the news it out!
22 weeks tomorrow, little girl, starting to feel her move. A lot. Thankfully. Due Sept. 1st.